COVID-19 related campus email repositories and resources

March 16, 2020

Since the beginning of the year, and especially over the past several weeks, the campus has seen numerous emails and resources regardingguidance from public health authorities in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and how that translates to us at Berkeley with social distancing, impacts to class delivery, workforce impacts, etc. Protecting the health and safety of members of the campus community remains the top priority and the campus is committed to preserving the academic mission.

Keeping track of these communications can sometimes be challenging. Here are some reminders about sources you can go to get these details: 

TheCalMessage archive repositorycontains a repository of campus emails. Also included in this archive are the20 most recent CalMessages, and 2020 emails from theChancellor,Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost,Vice Chancellor-Administration (Campus-wide), andAVC-HR (Campus-wide)from People & Culture (formerly Central HR). The Vice Chancellor Administrationwebsitealso features News articles for emails from VCA Marc Fisher.

Berkeley’s COVID-19 website(link is external)  contains related information as well as details on Berkeley’sUniversity Health Serviceswebsite.

Looking for resources to help withTelecommuting Resources? the sitecontains many of the nuts and bolts departments and staff might find helpful for those who may be working remotely.